When we originally picked out our color selections for the interior an exterior materials, if you remember we drove around looking at various combinations for the exterior look of our home. Craftsman house plans like ours often include many types of siding styles. Our home was no different. All of the various textures no doubt add character to the exterior of Craftsman style homes, but it can be hard to get the finished look you were trying to achieve without the home appearing too busy. Read more
follow a building journey
follow a building journey focuses on the process of building a home from start to finish, tips for building smarter, building green and better efficiency.
Building An Energy Efficient Green Home
Many new and exciting things are happening at our home site. First, the drywall in every room of the house. Once in place, you basically have your home and things really come to life. Read more
Exterior Home Finishes – Stonework Begins
It’s very exciting to see the stonework being on our house. At first, when selecting the exterior look for our home, we did not consider adding stone. Read more
Making Home Exterior Color Choices & More
At the house we see the inner workings coming together. The plumbing pipes and electrical wiring are added. All of the electrical wiring is in place. Read more
How To Choose Features For Your New Home
The front porch, garage floor, and basement floor concrete is poured and curing. It always amazes me at how perfectly smooth Read more
Home Design Is Under Roof And Windows Added
Now that the roof is covering up most of the interior spaces in the home, I feel good that the weather and especially rain won’t affect the inside completion of our home. No one wants to imagine their being filled with a heavy rain!
House Framing Goes Fast When Building
This is the time in the homebuilding process where things take shape very quickly. This definitely is the most fun time during the building process so because every single day it seems Read more
Framing Materials Arrive And Framing Begins
This part of the building process is where things really start to happen! The framing can begin. Framing a house goes very fast and seeing our home come to life is truly amazing. I know, I know; homes are built every day, so why is this so exciting? Read more
Adding Gravel To Basement Foundations
Now we have basement walls, so the next step is to add gravel to the floor of the basement. A huge pile of gravel is added to the job site and spread over the dirt of the basement floor.
Pouring Basement Foundation Walls
We were thrilled to see the foundation walls have been poured. Finally, with the weather cooperating, progress is going great. If you pour a basement foundation, the foundation walls will need to sit and cure a little bit before the next step can occur.