Our walk-through day is here and we meet the builder at our house. The entire interior is now clean and the floors gleaming. They look gorgeous! Read more

houseplans&more blog
Our walk-through day is here and we meet the builder at our house. The entire interior is now clean and the floors gleaming. They look gorgeous! Read more
Never more than a day or two go by that we don’t visit the job site. Our builder is very patient with our frequent visits, and that is a definite plus. One thing to keep in mind, the more often you visit, the more flaws you can bring to the attention of the builder. Read more
First tip – have the builder paint the walls because at our last home did not paint them ourselves and well, guess what? They just never got painted! Read more
I want to see the color of the floors we picked along with the cabinets since the first day we chose them for our home. Originally, I wanted the dark chocolate brown cabinets and flooring you see so often on Pinterest and other places, but our flooring color selections for hardwood floors kept me from finding the perfect color without making two more upgrades. Read more